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Add: No. 2-1, Xitang Middle Road, Qianzhou Street, Huishan District, Wuxi City.
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 Special flat metal mesh belt

characteristics :
This mesh belt which consists of two strands of right or by double screw with a rod stock left spiral root string link and become, mesh belt splicing convenient, mesh generally less than a single strand; strengthen [the mesh weaving, weaving and firm, not changeful form, easy maintenance
application :
For washing and drying, cooling, heat treatment conveyor line 。
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Wuxi Xuhuan machinery factory Address:No. 2-1, Xitang Middle Road, Qianzhou Street, Huishan District, Wuxi City.  contact:Lixiaodong Phone:13806184732Tel:0510-83260636 Fax:0510-83260636   E-mail:sales@wuxixh.com http://www.wuxixh.com